How to Make a Hello World Program in PHP
In the previous post, i explained about Hello World program in Java. And now, i will explain about how to make a Hello World Program in PHP....
There are two simple ways to make a Hello World Program in PHP.
First :
<?phpSecond :
Print "Hello, World!";
Echo "Hello, World!";
It's very simple, isn't it? If you already make your Hello World Program, then you can save your file in using .php extension (ex : HelloWorld.php). In this case, we don't need to compile the program. Just run it with your web browser to test your program.
Before that, you must download and install XAMPP in windows platform. Place your Hello World file inside folder XAMPP in sub-folder htdocs. And now you will see a "Hello, World!" text in your screen when you open your program using web browser (localhost/HelloWorld.php)
Make sure yout XAMPP is running.
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